3 Saltwater Fishing Activities Every Floridian Angler Has to Try At Least Once

Florida is, without a doubt, one of the sportfishing capitals of the world. The abundance of freshwater and saltwater fisheries paired with the huge variety of angling opportunities are the reason the state attracts so many. Florida offers particularly rich prospects when it comes to saltwater fishing—everything from deep-dropping 2000-feet underwater to triggering dolphinfish with topwater plugs. However, all Florida fishing locales are likely to share the Sunshine State’s intense weather. So, before you head out on the water, pick up some sunscreen, performance fishing shirts, and any other gear to enjoy epic Florida fishing.

Prepping for Your Excursion

In addition to the blazing sun and relentless UV rays, it’s not uncommon for Florida storms to roll in unexpectedly. Be sure to prepare accordingly. This means wearing performance fishing gear, complete with rain gear, just in case. Never hit the water without a fishing hat and polarized shades. And if you have yet to experience the comfort and protection of a fishing mask, now is the time to give it a try.

Deep-Dropping for Rare Trophies

Deep-dropping provides committed Florida anglers the chance to chase many species that can otherwise prove elusive, such as the snowy grouper, tilefish, queen snapper, the iconic swordfish, and many others. Nowadays, most deep-dropping anglers employ an electric reel for larger, more challenging species. However, if you’re a purist who’s committed to fighting 300-plus pounds of swordfish up through 1500 feet of water, more power to you.

Trolling for the Ultimate Game Fish in the Gulf Stream

Fishing the Gulf Stream might require a bit of travel, but it is widely considered well worth it. The Gulf Stream is populated by some of the world’s most sought-after game fish, including blue marlin, other billfish, mahi-mahi, several tuna species, wahoo, massive sharks, and more. Trolling is among the most common fishing strategies in the gulf stream and has yielded undeniably impressive results.

Night Fishing for Monsters at Bridges

Bridges and other structures draw baitfish at night just as they do during the day. That, in turn, attracts a whole collection of fishable predator species. Night fishing also provides the opportunity to target, or unintentionally hook, species rarely found during daylight hours. Nighttime bridge fishing is also a convenient option for fishing after work without venturing too far out of the urban areas many anglers live. Expect quality sheepshead, groupers, sharks, and a lot more when hitting those bridges at night. Good luck and good fishing.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has been passionate about fishing for his entire life. That love was stoked by growing up near the world-class fisheries of his native Florida, which he hit at every opportunity. As an adult, that same passion for angling brought him to the professional fishing tournament circuit. However, Kent soon found it nearly impossible to get his hands on fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions Florida’s anglers face daily. Kent recognized that anglers needed fishing apparel just as hardcore as they were to keep them comfortable and cool while on the water. That gear had to protect them from the elements, the blazing heat, and the unrelenting UV rays of the Florida sun. That’s why Kent founded Gillz® in 2009 to ensure all hardcore anglers, from Florida to Maine and beyond, had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and always stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® gear now includes shirts for fishing, polarized sunglasses and hats, fishing masks, accessories, and more.

Choose Gillz® high-performance fishing gear for every saltwater fishing spot you hit at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2QikKad

5 Tips for Transitioning From Freshwater Angler to Hardcore Saltwater Angler

Maybe you recently moved closer to the ocean. Perhaps years of saltwater veterans describing legendary tarpon runs and epic sailfish battles finally convinced you. Whatever the reason, you have decided to switch from freshwater fishing to hardcore saltwater angling. While there can be overlap between the two, saltwater fishing is an entirely different beast. That said, it is undoubtedly worth it. So, invest in a boat, a saltwater rod and reel, some high-performance fishing apparel, and strap in.

Invest in High-Quality Gear

If you thought freshwater fishing could get gear-heavy, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If you are intent on becoming a self-sufficient saltwater angler, you’ll need to be prepared to invest in high-quality gear. The array of technology found on a fully outfitted saltwater fishing boat can cost as much or more than a luxury car. Plus, in addition to staple gear like rods, reels, hooks, lures, and more, there is a whole world of specialized gear for kite-fishing, deep-dropping, and more.

Stay Comfortable and Dress the Part

If you consider yourself something of an expert in any type of boating, you know being comfortable for as long as possible is high-priority. Still, saltwater boat fishing can present its own unique challenges. You may be fishing dozens of miles from shore under the blazing sun with little to no cover, so dressing the part is critical. Pick up professional-grade performance fishing gear, shirts, and masks to be sure you’re protected and staying cool at all times.

Do Your Research

In addition to the protection high-performance fishing apparel provides, the best way to stay safe and successful as an angler is by doing research. Safety conditions for saltwater fishing will often vary according to season, tides, time of day, and even the phases of the moon. Saltwater fishing adds a heightened opportunity for intensity and excitement to your angling, so earn your confidence by doing proper research before hitting the water.

Learn the Gear and the Knots

Familiarize yourself with saltwater fishing gear and fishing knots. Again, there will likely be crossover from the gear and knots used for freshwater angling, but there will also be plenty to learn. Mastering knots like the Bimini twist, double Palomar, dropper loops, and the uni knot are all excellent places to start.

Remember, Saltwater Is Corrosive

Accounting for the corrosiveness of saltwater is a lesson you’d rather not learn the hard way. Keep this fact in mind for all of your gear after any fishing trip. A recently-used reel, for instance, shouldn’t be left on the rod after use. Bone up on reel care, for instance, like how to lubricate reels and soak them in freshwater after a saltwater excursion. Put in this work to be sure you’re ready when your next urge to hit the open ocean comes calling.

As is the case with any new hobby or worthwhile experience, saltwater fishing presents a bit of a learning curve if you want to be successful. Be patient, link up with some veterans, learn the ropes, and you will be making others jealous with stories of your latest saltwater expedition in no time.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has been passionate about fishing for his entire life. That love was stoked by growing up near the world-class fisheries of his native Florida, which he hit at every opportunity. As an adult, that same passion for angling brought him to the professional fishing tournament circuit. However, Kent soon found it nearly impossible to get his hands on fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions Florida’s anglers face daily. Kent recognized that anglers needed fishing apparel just as hardcore as they were to keep them comfortable and cool while on the water. That gear had to protect them from the elements, the blazing heat, and the unrelenting UV rays of the Florida sun. That’s why Kent founded Gillz® in 2009 to ensure all hardcore anglers, from Florida to Maine and beyond, had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and always stylish fishing clothes. Gillz® gear now includes fishing shirts, polarized sunglasses, hats, fishing masks, accessories, and more.

Gear up with Gillz® high-performance fishing apparel for the best saltwater fishing experience at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3uGIx2m

How to Step Up Your Florida Yellowfin Tuna Fishing Game

Is the yellowfin tuna the world’s perfect game fish? The angler community may never agree on an answer to this question, but it’s hard to argue that landing a monster yellowfin is any better or worse than a big blue marlin speeding off on a reel-smoking run or a 6-foot tarpon leaping 10 feet out of the water in a feat of aquatic acrobatics. Still, there are two points few anglers would argue. Yellowfin are, pound-for-pound, some of the most tenacious fighters in the entire ocean, and there are few fish more delicious. So, pick up some performance fishing shirts, grab your gear, and get after some yellowfin.

Limber Up Beforehand

Before you even step into the boat and head out on the water to stalk the yellowfin, you’ll want to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. A surefire bet that often gets overlooked is to limber up by doing some stretches. Going mano a mano with a yellowfin weighing upwards of 150-pounds is no joke. They will wear you out until they see the boat up close, and then they’ll only fight harder. So, get ahead of the tuna by making sure your mind and body are ready for a battle. And when you have won the war, there are few fishing experiences more satisfying.

Stay Out on the Water Longer

The more time you spend on the water, the better your chances of bagging a beautiful yellowfin tuna. However, staying on the water as long as possible means you’ll need to stay cool and comfortable, especially when there’s unrelenting sun and other intense weather to contend with. To make sure you’re protected, pick up some professional-grade, high-performance shirts for fishing. Investing in a quality shirt makes all the difference. Adding a fishing mask, a good fishing hat, and a pair of polarized shades will prepare you for anything Mother Nature might throw your way.

Learn the Signs

Once you’re out on the water, sufficiently suited up to avoid being driven away by sweat or sun, look for the signs of yellowfin-friendly waters. The more hardcore tuna anglers suggest “living water,” meaning a spot teeming with baitfish, whales, birds wheeling above, or other signs of life. Of course, advanced sonar-based fish-finding tech doesn’t hurt, but when in doubt, find a stretch of sea already full of action and you’ll likely find yellowfin there too.

Get Chummy with the Tuna

Chumming is a time-tested strategy for effectively drawing some beautiful yellowfin toward your hooks. While this seems simple, you can’t just hurl chunks of baitfish into the water and hope for the best. Many tuna-hunters prefer live-chumming the waters with pilchard, making sure to have hooked pilchard salted about the chum-line. Others use frozen sardines or 25-pound flats of chunked squid or herring. Fair warning—don’t go overboard with the chumming or you risk drawing sharks and other interlopers. Simply opt for a steady, conservative stream. Good luck and good hunting.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has been passionate about fishing for his entire life. That love was stoked by growing up near the world-class fisheries of his native Florida, which he hit at every opportunity. As an adult, that same passion for angling brought him to the professional fishing tournament circuit. However, Kent soon found it nearly impossible to get his hands on fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions Florida’s anglers face daily. Kent recognized that anglers needed fishing apparel just as hardcore as they were to keep them comfortable and cool while on the water. That gear had to protect them from the elements, the blazing heat, and the unrelenting UV rays of the Florida sun. That’s why Kent founded Gillz® in 2009 to ensure all hardcore anglers, from Florida to Maine and beyond, had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and always stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® gear now includes fishing shirts, polarized sunglasses, hats, fishing masks, accessories, and more.

Gear up for Florida’s best tuna fishing with Gillz® high-performance fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/32G4x1a

The Ultimate Guide to Shellfish in the Florida Keys

Florida may be the best fishing destination on Earth. However, as synonymous as the Keys are with fishing, they offer an often-overlooked subset of fishing—chasing shellfish. It’s an odd oversight, as many of the shellfish available in the Keys’ coastal water are among the most delicious fare the sea offers. Don’t forget the performance fishing shirts, though. Like any other Floridian fishing adventure, shellfishing is hard work in hot, humid, or even stormy conditions.

Performance Fishing Shirts

Prepping for a Shellfish Hunt

Stalking anything living in Florida’s coastal waters means hours on end under Florida’s unrelenting sun. Facing up to triple-digit temperatures and humidity, with UV rays both streaming down and reflecting up from the water, is no joke, so be prepared. Suit up in a high-performance fishing shirt and invest in a fishing mask. A high-quality fishing mask provides the same cooling cover and UV protection that high-tech polyester fishing shirts do, but for your face and neck. You should also wear polarized shades and a shade-providing hat.

Spiny Lobster

Spiny lobsters may lack claws and be referred to unappetizingly as “bugs” by the locals, but they’re no less delicious than their cousins from Maine. Spiny lobster gathering in the Florida Keys is undertaken by “bug”-hunters in either SCUBA gear or by free-diving purists. Whichever you choose, it’s going to require spending a lot of time on a boat (and in the water) under that harsh Florida sun. Be sure to hydrate, cover up with performance gear offering UV protection, and be vigilant about that sunscreen. Also, don’t forget a tickle stick to coax the lobsters out of holes, crevasses, or cracks, and a “bug bag” to carry them with you once you’ve caught them.

Stone Crabs

Hunting for stone crabs is one of the most interesting seafood-stalking adventures available. If you appreciate sustainable food practices, stone crabbing is for you. That’s because only the claws of stone crabs are harvested. The crabs themselves must be released unharmed so that their delicious claws can grow anew. Catching stone crabs involves either attempting to lure them with traps or diving for them. Both involve exertion under the Florida sun, meaning it’s an activity that can likewise benefit from the protection of high-performance apparel.

Pink Shrimp

Shrimping is likely the least well-known of the shellfish-catching options in the Florida Keys. That doesn’t mean it should be overlooked. The Florida Keys’ pink shrimp are a local delicacy nearly as ubiquitous and popular as Key lime pie. That’s saying something. Shrimping is mostly accomplished with a net and is pretty straightforward—you watch for shrimp in the water and scoop them up. Your best option is to ask around at the tackle shops for the shrimping hotspots. Shrimping can be done during the day when the protection of high-performance gear is again a must. Or you can beat the heat and shrimp at night when moisture-wicking fabric can help keep you dry and your body temperature regulated.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has loved angling for as long as he can remember. While growing up in Florida, Kent hit local, world-class fisheries at every opportunity. That love of fishing guided an adult Kent to the professional tournament fishing circuit, where he found that he couldn’t find fishing clothing that could reliably stand up to Florida’s often harsh and demanding conditions. Kent decided that hardcore anglers need hardcore fishing apparel to keep them cool and comfortable on the water. Anglers need gear they can count on for protection from the elements, heat, and UV rays from the often unrelenting Florida sun. So in 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to ensure that all hardcore anglers had access to high-tech, high-performance, professional-grade, and consistently good-looking fishing apparel. Gillz® gear now includes fishing masks, shirts for fishing, polarized sunglasses, hats, accessories, and more.

Take on shellfishing with Gillz® high-performance fishing gear at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3czjffg

4 of the Best Eating Saltwater Fish in Florida and Where to Catch Them

Nothing can compare to a truly fresh seafood experience, particularly seafood you personally landed. While Florida is home to various tasty fish species, saltwater fishing in its waters is not to be taken lightly. A bit of preparation is a must. For instance, if you haven’t invested in professional-grade high-performance fishing apparel, it’s time to level up.

Preparing for Delicious Florida Fishing

Fishing for anything in Florida can mean demanding physical exertion under the often unrelenting Florida sun. High-performance fishing clothes aren’t just there to make you look like a seasoned pro (although they do). Performance fishing gear is designed to keep the wearer cool, dry, comfortable, and protected from UV rays in harsh conditions. Don’t set sail without a high-performance fishing shirt, a hat that provides shade, polarized shades, or sunscreen.

The Mahi-Mahi

The mahi-mahi or dolphinfish, often referred to as “dolphins” in the Sunshine State, are among the world’s most famously delicious fish. They are also exceedingly vibrant, beautifully-colored fish and a whole lot of fun to fight. The lovely dolphins congregate at the edges of reefs and around any kind of cover, including Sargassum rafts and virtually any floating debris, natural or manmade.

The Swordfish

Swordfish are famed for their firm, flavorful steaks. Despite their incredible flavor, their meaty texture and relative lack of a “fishy” flavor even make this game fish popular fare for those who don’t generally like fish. Swordfish are traditionally found in the dark and always in deep waters. During the day, that may mean deep dropping down as far as 1500 feet, while at night, you can find them just a few hundred feet below the surface.

The Wahoo

If a collection of the most dedicated saltwater anglers designed the perfect game fish in a lab, it would look a lot like the wahoo. The wahoo is another beauty to behold and fights like the devil. Once the hook is set, these speed demons can make reel-stripping runs of up to 60 mph! Being in that kind of shape means that their meat is lean and firm with a delightfully mild flavor. If you value your fingers, however, keep your hands away from their razor-fang-filled mouths once they’re landed. You can find wahoo in northeast Florida waters, especially during the winter and spring.

The Tunas

If your experience eating tuna is limited to cans and casseroles, prepare to raise your expectations along with your fork. Not all tuna species are created culinarily equal, of course, but the following tuna species roaming Florida’s coastal waters will all yield a delectable feast:

· Yellowfin tuna

· Blackfin tuna

· Skipjack tuna

· Albacore tuna

· Bigeye tuna

If any of the tunas are a good fit for your next meal, an afternoon spent trolling can be your secret weapon. If you prefer to anchor, find a reef near deeper water, but be sure to chum the water if you want to draw the attention of any tunas.

Bon appétit!

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has loved angling for as long as he can remember. While growing up in Florida, Kent hit local, world-class fisheries at every opportunity. That love of fishing guided an adult Kent to the professional tournament fishing circuit, where he found that he couldn’t find fishing clothing that could reliably stand up to Florida’s often harsh and demanding conditions. Kent decided that hardcore anglers need hardcore fishing apparel to keep them cool and comfortable on the water. Anglers need gear they can count on for protection from the elements, heat, and UV rays from the often unrelenting Florida sun. So in 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to ensure that all hardcore anglers had access to high-tech, high-performance, professional-grade, and consistently good-looking fishing apparel. Gillz® performance fishing gear now includes fishing masks, fishing shirts, polarized sunglasses, hats, accessories, and more.

Find Florida’s tastiest fish and stay comfortable doing it with Gillz® high-performance fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3qMsuO7

4 Tips to Prepare for Deep Dropping—Deepest of Deep Sea Florida Fishing Trips

Depending on the source, “deep sea fishing” can mean anything from being 12 miles out to any saltwater fishing that takes place on a boat. However, there’s a kind of fishing off Florida’s coast that no one could dispute is deep sea fishing—deep dropping. Deep dropping, where you drop your line anywhere from 600 to 2,000 feet underwater, is among the most rewarding angling strategies available year-round. It’s also among the most challenging. So gear up with some performance fishing shirts, polarized shades, and a lot of drinking water, strap in, and hold on tight.

Shirts For Fishing

Get a Guide

Best of luck to you if you aren’t a Florida local and decide to blaze your own. With some dedicated studying of nautical charts, high-end sonar, and a real potent rabbit’s foot, you could possibly find some lucrative spots 500-800 feet down. However, it probably makes more sense to get a guide for deep dropping. Whether that means a paid charter trip or calling in that favor from your hardcore angling buddy with a boat in Islamorada, hook up with someone who knows the spots.

Get the Gear

There’s nowhere near enough room here to list the tackle you may need for deep dropping, but always keep in mind what you’re chasing. For deep dropping, you’ll be after fish who thrive in cool, darkness; so keep it flashy. Anything that glows, reflects light, or can catch their attention will stand out. However, deep dropping can mean a genuinely grueling battle under the blazing Florida sun with no shade or cover for miles. Get high-performance, professional-grade, long-sleeve shirts for fishing and consider a fishing mask. Wear a hat, polarized shades, and don’t forget the sunscreen.

Get Ready for a Fight

Imagine hauling something weighing between 25 and 1000 pounds, or more, the length of two football fields, or more. Imagine that you’re doing so through pressure around 100 times the pressure you’re used to at the surface. Now imagine that the thing you’re hauling is a streamlined collection of muscle and fins that’s fighting you every inch of the way. Yep. That’s what you’re preparing yourself for, and possibly in triple-digit heat and humidity. Florida deep dropping is not for the faint of heart (or the faint of arm, shoulder, or back exertion).

Get Stocked Up

A fishing experience this intense requires a degree of preparation. You will need to keep cool; hence the high-performance fishing shirts, fishing masks, and so on mentioned before. You will also need to keep your energy up, so bring more food and water than you think you will need. If you’re unacquainted with ocean boating, bring over-the-counter seasickness medicine. Keep in mind that those can make you drowsy, so as long as you effectively hydrate, bringing some caffeine could prove additionally helpful.

For all of the intensity and warnings about Florida’s deep dropping, people wouldn’t do it if it weren’t also an absolutely unforgettable experience. Whatever the challenges, there’s no doubt that you’ll find the trip has been well worth it.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has loved angling for as long as he can remember. While growing up in Florida, Kent hit local, world-class fisheries at every opportunity. That love of fishing guided an adult Kent to the professional tournament fishing circuit, where he found that he couldn’t find fishing clothing that could reliably stand up to Florida’s often harsh and demanding conditions. Kent decided that hardcore anglers need hardcore fishing apparel to keep them cool and comfortable on the water. Anglers need gear they can count on for protection from the elements, heat, and UV rays from the often unrelenting Florida sun. So in 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to ensure that all hardcore anglers had access to high-tech, high-performance, professional-grade, and consistently good-looking fishing apparel. Gillz® gear now includes fishing masks, fishing shirts, polarized sunglasses, hats, accessories, and more.

Gear up for deep drop fishing with Gillz® high-performance fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3t6frZq

Summer Fishing Preparation for Hardcore Florida Anglers Starts Today

The summer and winter fishing seasons in Florida each have advantages and challenges. The winter brings an influx of sport species to Florida’s warmer waters, and the heat is less oppressive. The summer, however, has cleared out much of the tourist and or snowbird population, leaving less crowded fisheries. The flipside is the heat. Although summer is still a few months off, now is the time for the hard-core Floridian angler to prepare for the summer fishing and summer heat. So do an audit of your gear, put your orders in now for tackle and performance fishing shirts, and read on.

Performance Fishing Shirts

Gear Up Now for the Change in Technique

It’s not just anglers who feel the heat of a Florida summer. As the temperature climbs, water temperatures can hit 80 degrees or more. The temperature can change fish behavior, feeding patterns, and habitat, necessitating a change of tactics and technique for the hard-core angler. Stock up now on the gear you’ll need to seek your quarry in deeper waters, under cover, and everywhere else they go to beat the heat.

Go for Full-Coverage with High-Performance Gear

If you’re unprepared for Florida weather, it can ruin an otherwise great day of fishing. Sweating in the heat or getting a sunburn can put a dampener on any activity. Dressing appropriately is a must. As longtime, hard-core fishing Floridians know, the key to dressing for heat is more body coverage, not less. A tank top, shorts, and flip flops are just a recipe for a nasty burn. Pick up some professional-grade, high-performance fishing gear. Find performance gear made from moisture-wicking, quick-drying, lightweight polyester that provides UPF 50+ UV protection. Your summer gear should include:

· Long-sleeved performance fishing shirt

· Performance pants or shorts

· Neck-covering performance fishing mask

· Hat

· Polarized sunglasses

Try Night Fishing

Both a productive strategy for a great variety of gamefish species and an effective way to beat the heat is trying your hand at night fishing. Dusk to dawn angling provides the opportunity for an entirely different fishing experience on both freshwater and saltwater. It also provides a better opportunity for some of the more sun-shy species like swordfish, for instance. Begin your summer night fishing research and gearing up for it now.

Get Out Early

The cliché about the lazy day of fishing applies less to the truly hard-core Floridian angler. For those of us who love fishing in the Sunshine State, fishing can mean work and require discipline. That is certainly often the case for summer fishing in Florida because it can mean getting up early to hit the water before the heat does. Early morning fishing can be both more comfortable and allow for targeting many species of fish nearer the shoreline, in shallower water, and generally closer to some of the habitats they prefer when it’s cooler.

About Gillz®

For as long as Kent Hickman can remember, he has loved fishing. As a kid in his native Florida, he made the most of every world-class angling opportunity he could find. His love of fishing continued, guiding Kent to the professional fishing tournament circuit as an adult. Preparing for his tournaments, Kent couldn’t find fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions of the Florida coast. Hardcore anglers need to have gear they can rely on to keep them dry, cool, and comfortable. They need gear that can protect them from the elements as well as the heat and UV rays produced by the unrelenting Florida sun. In 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to provide other hardcore anglers with professional-grade, high-tech, high-performance, and always stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® apparel now includes shirts for fishing, fishing masks, hats, polarized shades, accessories, and more.

Fish longer, fish harder, and keep comfortable with Gillz® performance fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original source: https://bit.ly/3beghvI

Setting Up Visiting Family or Friends for a Day of Unforgettable Florida Fishing

If you’re a seasoned Florida saltwater angler, you understand exactly why, for millions of anglers around the world, a saltwater fishing trip in Florida is the stuff dreams are made of. You can provide visiting friends and family with what may be the fishing trip of a lifetime. That is a huge gift to be able to give, but it’s one that also requires some preparation. Get them into some high-performance fishing clothes, stock up on motion sickness pills, and ensure that your visiting guest’s day on the water is everything they dreamed.

Fishing Apparel

Go Over the Safety Stuff and Take Nothing for Granted

Saltwater fishing in Florida is incredible, but it’s also an intense and even risky endeavor for the unprepared and uninformed. Be clear about how long you will be out, what to expect, what to do, and what not to do. Detail out everything they will need to know to stay safe and have fun.

Outfit Them Properly with High-Performance Fishing Gear

Part of the preparation process is ensuring that they are appropriately dressed for the excursion. There is a fair chance that your guests would gleefully join you the morning of the trip in shorts, a tank top, and flip-flops. They will be significantly less gleeful soon after when sporting a lobster-red sunburn from forehead to feet. Particularly for those who are unaccustomed to the Florida sun, skin coverage is a must. Guide them in choosing professional-grade performance fishing gear, including a long-sleeve fishing shirt, preferably performance fishing pants, and a fishing mask. Be sure they accessorize with a hat, polarized sunglasses, and close-toed shoes.

Bring Everything You Think You’ll Need, Plus More

The heat and exertion of a saltwater Florida fishing outing, while exhilarating, is also demanding. Pack more food and drink aboard than you think you and your guests will need. Less experienced anglers may end up eating and drinking quite a bit to keep their energy up. Packing along over-the-counter seasickness pills, sunscreen, a camera, and other fishing trip essentials, or ensuring they do, is also wise.

Be Prepared to Cut the Day Short

Even for the most enthusiastic, die-hard angler, if they’re not used to the conditions a Florida saltwater fishing trip entails, it can get the better of them. For some, seasickness can simply make the outing miserable. Others may find that the heat and physicality are too much. It is helpful to go into the fishing trip with the mindset that you may not be able to finish it, rather than with the expectations you’d have for a trip populated by more experienced saltwater anglers.

About Gillz®

For as long as Kent Hickman can remember, he has loved fishing. As a kid in his native Florida, he made the most of every world-class angling opportunity he could find. His love of fishing continued, guiding Kent to the professional fishing tournament circuit as an adult. Preparing for his tournaments, Kent couldn’t find fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions of the Florida coast. Hardcore anglers need to have gear they can rely on to keep them dry, cool, and comfortable. They need gear that can protect them from the elements as well as the heat and UV rays produced by the unrelenting Florida sun. In 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to provide other hardcore anglers with professional-grade, high-tech, high-performance, and always stylish 
fishing apparel. That Gillz® apparel now includes shirts for fishing, fishing masks, hats, polarized shades, accessories, and more.

Fish longer, fish harder, and stay cooler with Gillz® performance fishing gear at 

Original source: https://bit.ly/3rSU1hO

4 Features to Look for in Hardcore High-Performance Florida Fishing Apparel

There’s something different about you hardcore Floridian anglers. You know who you are. You don’t just choose to spend 14 unshaded hours on the open water under Florida’s unrelenting sun; you live for it. You’re happiest when you’re hunting a fish that weighs more than you do. You’ll brave the humidity, coastal storms, snakes, gators, and swarms of tropical biting insects. Anyone who loves fishing enough to go Florida-level hardcore needs gear that is capable of keeping them cool, comfortable, and on the boat in Florida’s conditions. That means professional-grade, high-performance fishing apparel.

Fishing Shirts

Performance Feature 1: Full Coverage with UV Protection

The seasoned Floridian knows that staying cool under the unrelenting Florida sun is about more skin coverage rather than less. Protecting the skin from direct contact with sunlight keeps you cooler and safer. Choose long-sleeved professional-grade performance fishing shirts that offer UPF 50+ UV protection.

Performance Feature 2: Lightweight and Breathable

For those unfamiliar with sport fishing in the Florida hat, wearing clothing that provides more coverage to stay cool might sound wrong. With the wrong kind of apparel, it would be. The difference is that the high-performance fishing shirts and other gear you want should be designed from high-tech polyester that is lightweight and breathable enough to promote cooling. For instance, consider the gear developed by the Florida-based company, Gillz®. They have developed proprietary GillzTec fabric, which actually feels cool to the touch. Combined with an innovative cross-breeze ventilation airflow system, protection from the sun is combined with superior cooling.

Performance Feature 3: Moisture-Wicking and Quick-Drying Fabric

A crucial element of any high-performance fishing apparel is moisture-wicking and quick-drying fabric. For example, the GillzTec fabric achieves that by dispersing any moisture evenly throughout the fabric, optimizing dryness and cooling with the rapid release of that moisture into the air. The result is increased comfort, whether the source of the moisture is sweat, spray from the ocean, or a cloudburst.

Performance Feature 4: Stain-Resistant and Machine-Washable

The importance of finding stain-resistant and machine-washable performance fishing apparel is all-too-often overlooked. If you’re a true angler, you know how messy that handling fish can get. It happens when cutting or hooking bait, when landing or gaffing fish, when chumming, and more. For the sake of anyone you encounter after a day of fishing as well as your own, make sure that your performance fishing gear is stain-resistant and can be thrown right into the washer.

About Gillz®

For as long as Kent Hickman can remember, he has loved fishing. As a kid in his native Florida, he made the most of every world-class angling opportunity he could find. His love of fishing continued, guiding Kent to the professional fishing tournament circuit as an adult. Preparing for his tournaments, Kent couldn’t find fishing apparel that reliably stood up to the harsh, demanding conditions of the Florida coast. Hardcore anglers need to have gear they can rely on to keep them dry, cool, and comfortable. They need gear that can protect them from the elements as well as the heat and UV rays produced by the unrelenting Florida sun. In 2009, Kent founded Gillz® to provide other hardcore anglers with professional-grade, high-tech, high-performance, and always stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® apparel now includes shirts for fishing, fishing masks, hats, polarized shades, accessories, and more.

Fish longer, fish harder, and keep comfortable with Gillz® performance fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original source: https://bit.ly/3rTYtNl

Deep-Sea Swordfish Stalking: Prepare for the Fight of Your Life

If billfish were boxers, swordfish would be the Tyson of the bunch. Blue marlin might have them beat for pounds and inches, but they can’t touch the swordfish for raw power and the grueling, punishing fight they put up. Simply put, the swordfish is a beast, and it takes an angling beast to catch one. Swordfish are hard to find, hard to hook, and even harder to fight. Stalking them calls for a lot of preparation; it requires a focus on everything from choosing performance fishing shirts to learning how to find the ocean’s deep scattering layer (DSL). Prepare to take your fishing game up a notch.

Performance Fishing Shirts

Get the Gear

There’s no way to include all of the specific gear necessary for taking swordfish here. There is a common denominator for what you’ll need; it has to be heavy and high-quality. Swordfish are not forgiving, and stories about swordfish snapping rods and breaking reels of mediocre quality are familiar. Invest in trusted brands, braided line, and sharp hooks. Precision high-tech electronic gear is considered a virtual necessity for anything like semi-consistent success.

Dress the Part

The best place to find swordfish in the continental United States, bar none, is South Florida. The weather in South Florida can alternate between unrelenting tropical heat and humidity to torrential cloudbursts. Prepare for the weather, rain or shine, night or day, by picking up professional-grade performance fishing apparel. Choose high-performance polyester apparel that’s fabricated to be moisture-wicking and quick-drying. The right high-performance fishing clothes will be lightweight and breathable enough to keep you cool while providing full-coverage and UPF 50+ protection. The high-performance fishing mask is, understandably, quickly becoming a Florida fishing favorite.

Take a Deeper Look

When you’re looking for swordfish, you’re going to be looking deep. Whether it’s night or day, that can mean hundreds of feet down or thousands, respectively. In either case, you’re looking for the DSL. The DSL is a layer of the ocean, often between 1000-1500 feet down during daylight hours, where plankton, baitfish, and squid are plentiful. Where you find squid, you’ll find swordfish.

Pick Your Time

Before the emergence of that precision, high-tech, electronic gear, swordfish were most often found during night excursions. That’s because the swordfish would chase the squid and baitfish up from a few thousand feet to about 300 feet at night. Daytime swordfish angling is now common and productive, with bait rigged anywhere from 800 to 5000 feet down. Some, however, still swear by nighttime swordfishing.

Wherever and however you fish for them, be aware that once you have a swordfish on, you are in for a fight that you will never forget. Be ready.

About Gillz®

Kent Hickman has loved fishing for as long as he can remember. As a Florida native, there certainly wasn’t any shortage of world-class fishing to be had growing up, and he made the most of it. As an adult, that love of angling brought Kent to the professional tournament circuit. It was there that he encountered a problem: professional anglers often faced unforgiving conditions, and he couldn’t find any reputable fishing apparel that could stand up to the challenge. Whether they’re pros or not, hard-core anglers need gear they can rely on to stay cool, dry, and comfortable. That means gear that protects them from both the elements and the heat and UV rays of the unrelenting Florida sun. Kent took it upon himself to meet the challenge, and in 2009 he founded Gillz® to ensure that devoted anglers had access to high-performance, high-tech, professional-grade, and, of course, stylish fishing apparel. Gillz® fishing clothes include fishing masks, shirts for fishing, hats, shades, accessories, and more.

Prepare yourself and your friends to fish longer and harder without sacrificing cool comfort by choosing Gillz® professional-grade fishing apparel at https://gillz-gear.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3izCyHV